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Let it snow….

 Long time no speak, my little peeps.

I had such a great time with Mr Birchall, can’t wait for my next encounter with one of Fibre’s finest Mr Mitton, might even get a little smitten!Image

The days are drawing nearer and nearer to Christmas and I’m in a reflective mood of times gone by. I remember there was a time they used fake snow for a variety of reasons, making shop displays look festive, creating that festive look in your home, decorating outdoor areas and grottos with the snow.

                        The problem was that this particular snow was actually Asbestos. Way before they discovered how dangerous asbestos was they used it for many different uses, one being creating fake snow.

The asbestos created such a perfect bright fake snow and became very popular, but little did people realise the effects it would have on them in the future.

Asbestos in still a huge issue today and had been used in various building materials from the 1960’s. If you can gain some information from this, then my suggestion would be to remain vigilant about asbestos.

If you find any old looking Christmas decorations lurking in your loft and come across something that looks like fake snow, then dispose of this immediately through the correct channels.

Fake snow today is asbestos free and much fun can be had creating a winter wonderland before the actual snow has fallen.

Enjoy this festive time, with family and friends while I pop off to make a cup of tea, no gin today luvvies as I’m saving myself for the Parish Christmas brunch.